Monday 10 August 2015

Poster 2 - Creation Process

Step 1: I took various images for this, but picked the one with the most interesting layout to play with, which was also the most in focus, fortunately, since scale was a main element of this concept; big panacea pills to hide big problems.

Step 2: I cropped the image to scale up the pills even more in size, and cut out some of the distracting parts of the pill container/label. I auto corrected the color to make it more vivid and true to life, which coincidentally made it more sterile looking which was one of the wehi/feelings I was aiming to evoke in this poster.

Step 3: I wanted to make it feel slightly less clean looking by taking a color usually associated with health - the color green - and pushing it to an oversaturated, 'monstrous' tone. It inherently makes you second guess this medicine, will it be good or bad for you? Should you trust it? Will it make our problems go away?

Step 4: I made the color tone even more green (I liked the dual connotations with health + sickness), and I moved the lower pill to one of the points of grid alignment in the image (you can see this on my grid post) so that they feel less cluttered, and to make the hierarchy of the image flow better. I ended up adding a union jack onto one pill, as well as a red star off the new zealand flag (which I ultimately changed to a fern) to tie back in with the whole flag change and concept of identity and how appeasing peoples patriotic side is 'curing', covering up, or ignoring the real issues at hand here in this context.

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