Sunday, 2 August 2015

Idea Generation 1

My initial sketches, I tried to combine a mixture of ideas and themes from my mindmap in quickly drawn thumbs, using simple symbolism to convey meaning and rhetoric. My initial thoughts were, what would it take to make people realize that it's more than "just a flag/piece of cloth"? how can I evoke sentimentality out of people? e.g. If I made the flag into toilet paper, would this make people angry and pissed off?

 I drew a few slightly larger concepts and added potential tag lines to them, these show historical, social and political reasons why we shouldn't change the flag. The first relating to honor, second a rather bold caricature of john key being compared to a certain dictator (way too controversial for this assignment methinks lol) and a homeless person in poverty not benefitting from this 'flag change' in any way whatsoever. Each a different stance and way on conveying the point of view.

The cool part of the little sketches it they are a quick way of helping you visualize a composition, and also to jot down rhetoric and visual devices you might be interested in exploring later along the line.

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